domingo, 9 de dezembro de 2012

Borderlands 2 Delayed?

Im sorry if i haven't made it yet.
Its taking more time then i tought.
I might just post it when its christmas.
And ill make it kinda like a Christmas theme.

18/12/12 - Release of the game.

domingo, 25 de novembro de 2012


Sorry if i havent made more Daily Games guys.
Im very busy making Borderlands 2 and a RPG in Roblox...
Soo yeah. As you see. I am very busy.

terça-feira, 20 de novembro de 2012

Unfair Platformer

Unfair Platformer.

One of my daily games.
I made the first part of it.

Get ready soon for some more Daily Games.

Daily Games:

-Unfair Platformer
- ...

Sugestions for the other Daily Game?

Also added a picture for the blog. yes. i know. not that good.

segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2012

Daily games?

Yes. i know, im making Borderlands 2.
But i wont just stand there.
ill be making Daily Games soo people can enjoy.
Put up some comments(ideas) for the daily games.

See ya next Post.

Borderlands 2 and "Slender" come back?

Im currently making a game based on Borderlands 2.
A small demo is out you can check it:

Ill be glad if you liked the function of the exp bar is it grouped with the gun soo it can move when the character moves.
In the full version. I might make the bar the whole down screen.
(yes, the character will lean forward and probably break limbs,but not if i also put another block up as the same size)
The game will be out in December. right in the first day.

1 of december 2012.

Now. about the slender game.... im thinking that i should "revive" it.
Ill maybe keep making the game. (wont be that great tough, i just started making it with no ideas)
soo yeah.

See you in the next post.